Beyond Romance: Charity Sunday: For the MS Warriors – #MultipleScl...

Beyond Romance: Charity Sunday: For the MS Warriors – #MultipleScl...: Charity Sunday snuck up on me this month! Only on Saturday did I look at the calendar and realize that today is the last Sunday in April. Wh...

Help Lisabet support the important work of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and read some spicy fiction while you're at it. It's a win-win!

Naughty Netherworld News 25 April 2021: Too Much Phucquery

 Greetings to my same two subscribers. I love you, but this is one of the reasons I stopped doing a newsletter last time. It's kind of discouraging when you have virtually no audience. But the small audience I have is the best audience, so I'll roll with that.

I spent a lot of time on the road to medical appointments last week. Not for me, even though I'm a dumpster fire of chronic health problems. Two of the appointments were for my cat Tara, who has mast cell disease. It hasn't spread to her organs, which is a positive, but she has a mass between her eyes that needs to be removed and the disease has spread to her lymph nodes. After they do surgery to remove the mass and two of the lymph nodes, they want to do a round of chemo, which, hopefully, will keep things in check. Tara doesn't act any different than she ever did, so that's a good thing.

The people at CSU Veterinary Hospital are amazing, and if you ever have a pet with a serious health issue, I recommend looking for a teaching hospital at a university near you. I can't guarantee that they'll all be as good as CSU, but I wish I'd known about them years ago.

My son is having a non-life-threatening but debilitating medical problem that I hope will be resolved relatively soon. He's experiencing a fair bit of discomfort. He's on antibiotics and is taking prescription levels of ibuprofen. He had a cup of low-dose THC tea (Stillwater brand) tonight that seems to have helped with the pain. I'm a big proponent of legalizing marijuana. I've seen it work miracles for a patient I worked with who had frequent seizures. As for the recreational side, people are going to smoke it anyway. Treat it the same as alcohol. People shouldn't be driving while under the influence. I'd much rather have people getting their pot from a regulated dispensary than from a dealer.

None of this has much of anything to do with writing except that this entire month has thrown me off-kilter. Thanks to the phucquery with Amazon, I wasn't able to promote Cloned Heat IV properly, and now I need to start working on Cloned Heat V. I'm trying to finish my overdue poetry volume. I haven't even started editing The Wizard's Key yet. I have a novelette that I need to format. Plus, I'm still working on fresh material. I still have no audience and it's not even worth bothering looking at my sales, because they're nothing. It's hard not to be discouraged.

I'll keep pushing because I'm a stubborn jackass and I don't know how to do anything else.

Anyway, that's about it. Perhaps I'll have a more cohesive newsletter with less crying in my omnipresent bottle of herbal tea next week.

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image from Open Clipart Vectors

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Image by Tumisu from Pixabay


Content warning: suicide 

Although Jana Evans was shy and plain, she managed to stand out. When her schoolmates ridiculed her unusual voice or her colorful clothes or called her weird and ugly and crazy, the outcast high school freshman flew off in her mind to the Crystal Cave where the Fae King and Queen and Princess lay sleeping in transparent pods.

“This world isn’t real,” Jana reminded herself. “I’m asleep in my cocoon, and one day I’ll awaken on my Freedom Morning in my enchanted world where I am uniquely exquisite and dearly loved.”

“Jana the Space Cadet, zoom off in your rocket!” Sabina Dobos, the most adored girl in school jeered to a symphony of cheers and applause as Jana walked away wordlessly.

Jana had few friends. Her favorite was a boy named Johnny Haven. Johnny always encouraged Jana to share her artwork and stories with him. Jana felt safe confiding her thoughts to Johnny. Knowing that she would be seeing her special friend made her look forward to going to school despite being aware that she would be ridiculed by Sabina and her followers.

When Jana spotted Johnny at school on Monday morning, she called out to him and waved. Johnny glanced at her momentarily before turning away. Jana reassured herself that Johnny must not have seen her. She hurried to her friend, eager to show him the drawing that she’d worked on over the weekend.

“Johnny!” Jana panted, out of breath from running to catch up.

“What do you want?” Johnny demanded, his lip curling in disgust as he sized Jana up.

“Did I do something wrong?” Jana inquired, her brow furrowing.

“Yeah, you existed, you freak. Everyone’s been telling me that you’re in love with me and you want me to ask you to the homecoming dance. Well, get this through your crazy head. I wouldn’t ask you to the dance if you were the last chick in the world. Everybody thinks you’re a loser. Just stay away from me, okay?”

“If that’s what you want,” Jana replied, tears filling her eyes. “But for your information, everybody’s lying to you, Johnny. I never told anybody that I was in love with you. I thought you were my friend, but I guess I was wrong about that. Don’t worry, I’ll leave you alone—forever.”

Jana hurried off, waiting until she was several blocks away from the school before bursting into tears. She was filled with disgust at everything: at the school and its plentiful cliques, at ringleaders like Sabina and their mindless followers, at Johnny, whom she’d believed was her friend since the beginning of junior high, and most especially at herself.

“I’m done with all of it,” Jana declared. “I’m done with school, with this town, with everything. When I thought that Johnny was my friend, those other idiots didn’t matter. But he’s just another jackass in the pasture. I’m sick of fighting. I guess they win, and I lose.”

The house was empty when Jana arrived. She took a razor blade from the bathroom and set it on her nightstand. She filled a pitcher with ice water and took a bottle of bourbon from the liquor cabinet. She took several bottles of pills from the medicine chest. She lay towels down on the bed, wanting to leave as little mess as possible for her family to deal with.

Jana put a cassette in her boom box and cued up The Alan Parson Project’s “I Robot” album. She sipped the whiskey and water, swallowing the pills slowly as the intro song played.

Jana let her rage out as she screamed the lyrics to “I Wouldn’t Wanna Be Like You.”

If I had a mind to

I wouldn’t wanna be like you.

And if I had time to

I wouldn’t wanna talk to you.

I don’t care

What you do

I wouldn’t wanna be like you.

“Fuck you, Johnny!” Jana screamed, tears flowing down her face. “Fuck you forever! I didn’t care about the rest of them, but why did you have to turn out to be another destroyer?”

As the gentle strains of “Some Other Time” kicked in, Jana swallowed a handful of pills. She wanted to go to her cocoon now. She picked up the razor blade and slashed her forearm. The blood flowed thick and black as she held her hand aloft.

“Not even human,” Jana murmured, swallowing another handful of pills. “I’m not even human.”

As “Breakdown” began to play, Jana felt at peace. She wasn’t human, she was a fairy princess. Those losers at school didn’t matter.

Where are all the friends who used to talk to me?

All they ever told me was good news

People that I've never seen are kind to me

Is it any wonder I'm confused?

When I breakdown when I breakdown

When Jana’s parents entered her room, they were surrounded by brilliant white light. They weren’t angry with her for what she’d done. Jana’s mother explained that they’d been exiled to the Earth realm by the False King, but their loyal subjects had finally won the war and they could go home now.

Freedom, freedom, we will not obey.

Freedom, freedom, take the wall away.

(Take the wall away)

That wasn’t even the real Johnny that Jana had seen at school. The real Johnny was waiting for her in her real home.

Freedom, freedom, we will not obey.

Freedom, freedom, take them all away.

Where are all my friends?

“Your real friends are waiting for you in the Realm of Crystal, Janalea Evenstar,” Mom reassured her. “Come, Darling, let’s go home now.”

(I'm so confused)

(Take the wall away, take the wall away)

(Won't somebody help me)

Jana Evans emerged from her chrysalis into a world without pain. Her freedom morning had come at last.

964 Words

Free use image by Alexas Fotos on Pixabay
There is no valid reason for bullying.
Not because someone is fat.
Not because someone is poor.
Not because someone is disabled.
Not because someone is "ugly."
Not because someone is "weird."
Not because someone "dresses funny."
Adults need to take bullying seriously, which they often don't.
The problem needs to be addressed before it has a chance to get out of control.


I Robot is a 1977 album by The Alan Parsons Project. All songs cited in this work are from that album.

Reedsy Prompts

This story was written using the Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in prompt. It was submitted on 7 April 2021.

WEP Challenge

Freedom Morning


This is a retelling of a story that I wrote in the autumn of 1980 when I was 15 years old. This version is starker, darker, and contains far less purple prose.

I was severely bullied all the way through school. When I was in my sophomore year of high school, a lot of messed-up shit happened, and I ended up on the psych ward at St. Anthony’s hospital in Denver after taking a bunch of pills and cutting my wrists. The pills only served to make me sick to my stomach and the cuts were superficial.

There were some nice people working there, but there were a lot of shitty ones too. One angel of mercy informed me that I was a freak and would always be a freak because someone like me could never be normal. My response was “better a freak like me than a bitch like you.” I was also a sassy fucker to the psychologist, whom I rightfully named Dr. Fraud, and I’m proud of my 16-year-old self for it.

When I got out of that fucked-up situation, I made a promise to myself that I would die before ever going back to a psych unit, and I have kept that promise. Seriously, fuck those people. Bunch of power-tripping Nurse Ratchet wannabes. Also, fuck most of my schoolmates. What the hell was wrong with you people?

My slashed forearms were the symptom of a life that had gone very wrong, and, looking back on it, most of it was in no way my fault. I had been sexually assaulted, which I wrote about in this piece.

It took me 40 years to acknowledge that yes, I was sexually assaulted, and I’m sure the guy who did it to me went on to do it to other girls. The sexism in 1980 (which is still alive and well today) prevented me from acknowledging that I had been sexually assaulted and prompted me to place the blame on myself.

I was blamed for the bullying that I endured. Then I was blamed for acting out in response to what I know now was unresolved trauma (the sexual assault) and complex PTSD due to the abuse that I was subjected to daily by my fellow students. I was told to “stop being so dramatic” and “stop looking for attention.” I couldn’t trust my counselor, because when I confessed to her that I’d been cutting, the bitch called my mother and I got chewed out.

I had nobody that I could turn to, so I turned to alcohol and drugs. I did have a few friends. Some of them I still think of fondly and wonder what happened to them. Some ended up lost to time and tide. Others can stay in the past because they turned out not to be such good friends in the end.

These prompts reminded me of the little story that I wrote during an extremely difficult time in my life. I think that it deserves to be brought into the light.

I spent a lot of years despising my younger self. My retelling of this story is my way of apologizing for being so harsh with her. I’m sorry, Young Cie. You deserved better.


The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

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Get it here!

A Leap of Folly #8Sunday #MFRWHooks #SnipSun


Image by Marta Cuesta from Pixabay

Note: I had a really odious week and was not up to sharing fiction or even poetry this go-round. This is an excerpt from a piece that I wrote for the Reedsy weekly prompts competition. 

While I tend to be straightforward about who and what I am, I'm not exactly an open book. This piece sheds a little light on the mystery of Cie. It is both real and raw. I am sharing an excerpt here. 


I always loved writing, and, for the most part, got high marks for the little stories that I wrote in school. Teachers encouraged me to become a writer, and my paternal grandmother, who had once worked with such artists as Eydie Gormé and Steve Lawrence thought that I should concentrate on my piano playing, but I wanted to be an actress.

I was ugly and unpopular. Actresses, I reasoned, were beautiful, and if I were an actress, people would love me. Then I could thumb my nose at all the people who treated me poorly.

So, I took a leap of faith, believing that if I worked hard in every school play, it would pave the road to my becoming a beautiful Hollywood star beloved by all.

I got a bit part as a secretary in the seventh-grade play. I was madly in love with the male lead, a cool guy named Jay. Jay skateboarded to school. He thought of me as a little sister when he thought of me at all. 


The document in its entirety is available free on Odysee. I ain't too proud to take a tip, though. One LBC is worth about tree fiddy. (About three cents.)

I'm not as enamored of Odysee as I was of LBRY, which allowed me to publish adult material. It's still a decent platform and you still have the opportunity to stick it to YouTube by watching videos or selling your own material there. If you would like an Odysee account, go to

You do not need an Odysee account to be able to read the document.

Sign up for my all-new, better newsletter here.

I'm using TinyLetter now. It's perfect for a Newsletter Nonce like me. It features a simple WYSIWYG editor and no confusing templates.

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

FOAD Thursday: Amazon Can FOAD


FOAD Thursday badge made by me using Pixlr and a free-use image from Pixabay.

Content warning: this post is frustrated, pissed off, and sweary. If you are sensitive to profanity, don't fucking read it.

Amazon can fuck off the edge of the Earth and keep fucking off into the nearest black hole and when they reach the other side they can continue fucking off for eternity.

Cloned Heat IV has not been released yet because the Twat Brigade at Amazon decided that suddenly free-use images from Pixabay with attribution and a link to Pixabay's image use policy are not enough. One needs a signed release statement from the image creator who put their images on Pixabay to be used. 

I just fucking cannot with this shit.

So, I ended up using one of Amazon's stock images for the cover and we'll see if the bastards will be so generous as to publish it now.

As a secondary FOAD, LBRY/Odysee can FOAD as well. 

It was nice being able to use LBRY as an alternative to Amazon. But then they decided to kill LBRY in favor of Odysee and enact the Hayes Code so publishers of adult material can just get stuffed, even if we abide by an ethical code including flagging our material as being for mature audiences.

At this point, I really encourage readers who find my naughty little stories entertaining to support me on Patreon. Each new story becomes available in PDF form as it's published. Subscriptions start at as little as $1 per month. All but a small percentage of the money goes to me and, most importantly, does not go to Amazon.

Cloned Heat IV is already available from my Patreon.

Just in case I wasn't clear before:

Fuck Amazon.

Fuck them so fucking hard.

With a cactus.

And now it's time for the FOAD Thursday Theme Song.

Naughty Netherworld News 13 April 2021

 This is the latest Naughty Netherworld Newsletter. I only have two subscribers. Don't let them have all the fun (or, in this case, schadenfreude.) Subscribe to Naughty Netherworld News and get yours!

Hi subscribers,
Sorry to whinge into your inbox. I'm not having fun right now.

I'm waiting, and I'm not a patient person, so I don't like waiting.

One of the things I was waiting for--my medications for the month--did arrive about 15 minutes ago.

I'm waiting for a freezer which was supposed to have been delivered yesterday. For more on that mess and a valuable lesson so you can avoid a mess like that, visit this post.

I'm waiting for Amazon to publish Cloned Heat IV. For more on that mess and to read the first chapter, follow this link.

I'm waiting for this asshole process server to show up and serve me papers regarding a debt that I can't pay or I would have paid it. The people at Discover were understanding about my being on disability and haven't harassed me. Confident Financial Solutions, from whom I took out a loan to get my POS car that was always breaking down repaired 5 years ago? Not so much. I was making payments on the loan but then ended up losing my last nursing job and was working for Uber Eats. I couldn't continue paying them.

I tried to talk to the collection agency yesterday but they were rude A.F., unlike Discover, so now I have to wait for this process server who will arrive "between 11 and 3, so have your I.D. ready."

I don't know how people who do those jobs sleep at night.

Back in 1986, I worked for a lawyer who did evictions and collections. I didn't sleep well at night. I listened sympathetically to people, but there was nothing I could do to help them. I ended up getting fired from that job because I refused to change a date on a court docket--something that I could have gone to jail for if I'd been caught. 

If I could drink, I would be.

Hope your week is going better.

Ornery Owl Has Spoken

Free use image by Open Clipart Vectors

Join me on Patreon starting at just $1 per month.

Spread the word about Naughty Netherworld News!

Cloned Heat IV Full First Chapter #MFRWAuthor #MFRWHooks #MFRWSteam


M/M erotica, sci-fi

3000 words 

Content Advisory:
BDSM, group sex, cliffhanger
(For the book, brief mentions only for this post.)


In Seduced by the Siren, Finn Storm got deep under Ohannes’ skin, enslaving the needful pleasure clone’s body, mind, and soul. The lusty Reject Squadron is putty in the sexy merman’s hands—all except for the canny Colonel Ionescu, who is plotting with renegade roughnecks Iker Macauley and Peregrine Varga to mastermind a rescue.

It won’t be easy to break Ohannes or the other members of the Reject Squadron free from Finn’s spell. The masterful manipulator feeds the fellows’ manly needs in ways so hot that it’s hard for even a confident and mature military man like Colonel Ionescu to resist, let alone an eager-to-please submissive like Ohannes or a couple of randy rapscallions like Sergeant Kuijpers and Corporal Viola.


The Best-Laid Plans

“Finn be callin’ General Bissette to him now,” Colonel Ionescu stated. “Dis be our best chance to put our plan into action. Bissette be crazy alla time from lust for Finn, and him droolin’ over your boy Ohannes now too. Won’t be no trouble to put him out sleepy.”

“It ain’t Bissette that I’m worried about, Pal,” Iker protested as Ionescu handed himself and Peregrine bags containing hypodermics prefilled with a strong sedative. “Leg-humpers like your self-appointed general are a credit a case. All we’d have to do is slap his ass and offer him a hand job, and he’d be our bitch. The salty little man-eating twink is the real threat.”

“Me ain’t denyin’ dat Finn present a challenge,” Ionescu concurred. “De best advice be don’t get bit. Like me sayin’, dat little fucker get in your blood and it be hard to get him out. Me livin’ long enough dat me tink wit big head more often dan little head now-days, so him not got me droolin’ over him like no star-eyed newblood no more.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen, fellas. Finn gonna punish Bissette de way he like it and get Bissette all hot and bothered for some rough man-handlin’. Den him gonna let Bissette have a turn on de pretty boy. Him gonna tell Bissette dat him not allowed to give sweet Ohannes no cream fillin’, but Bissette be wild for dat hot twink booty and ain’t gonna be able to stop dat rocket. So, Finn gonna punish Bissette again.

“Truf be told, Bissette make his self out to be top brass, but him usually ain’t de top man. After him take a spankin’, him wantin’ to bottom. Me hopin’ you fellas not tink me braggin’ on meself, but him like to save de biggest and best fill-up for last call.”

“Which is you, I take it?” Iker sighed, rolling his eyes.

“Me hopin’ to give you de chance to find out personal-like,” Ionescu declared with a wink, giving Iker’s back cheeks a suggestive squeeze. “You too, Mr. Strong and Silent. Me likin’ de look of you boys from de time we find you slippin’ your sweet man candy da big log out in de woods. But before us can play, us gotta get de boys away from dat little mind-fucker Finn.”

“Just tell us the plan,” Peregrine urged.

“Brothers, dis dance gonna be a cakewalk. While Finn got Bissette down on his knees getting him ready to let de boys ride his train, me gonna slip him a ticket to sleepy town. Iker, you put Bissette’s lights out, and Peregrine, you make Ohannes your sleepin’ beauty. We gotta take down Kuijpers and Viola too, but me reckon it’s gonna take dem boys a minute to snap outta de fuck-fog. Now, so tings don’t look too suspect, let’s grab us a few toys and some lube, like we comin’ in hot and heavy, ready to play.”

“From the sounds of it, things are thermal blast levels of hot out there already,” Iker remarked. “I’m almost sorry we ain’t gonna be getting a piece of that action, but when I think about getting bitten by that squirmy little man-eater, I kinda lose the urge to play dirty.”

Where to Buy
This book hasn't been released yet. I expected that I would be doing a free book promo with this post, but nooooo. When I uploaded the book to Amazon on Friday, it was in review. I was very busy over the weekend. When I went to KDP tonight, the book was showing as a draft. My response was literally "what the hell, you daft twat?" FML entirely.

Update: Amazon decided that the free-use image from Pixabay was "violating copyright" even though I attributed the image and Pixabay's license states that the image is available for commercial use. I changed cover images. We'll see if they stop behaving like putzes. I've never had this problem before. It's been a real headache.

My sincere apologies for this nonsense. If you follow this blog or follow me on Twitter @ReadersRoost, you will see when the free book promo is announced.

You can also sign up for my (mostly) weekly newsletter at to receive announcements such as book releases, new blog posts, and my ever astute observations. I have two victims so far. Please help me increase my body count!

In the meantime, you can grab the first three books in the Cloned Heat series from Amazon. They're free with Kindle Unlimited or just 99 cents apiece to own.

You can also join me on Patreon to receive the PDF version of each new Cloned Heat book monthly, plus a couple of other little perks, for just a buck a month.

The Hops

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

Want more?

Get it here!

Naughty Netherworld News/Come as You Are Party 4 April 2021

 Happy Easter/Ostara for those who celebrate such. I was feeling a bit sad last night remembering how much my father loved Easter. My brother and I colored eggs the day before using the Paas kit which is apparently still out there. We had egg salad coming out of our ears for the next week because there were always two dozen eggs. We never did the Easter egg hiding thing because my mother didn't want to wind up finding a smelly egg behind the couch two weeks later. We just woke in the morning to Easter baskets that the Easter bunny had kindly brought us and filled with the eggs that we colored.

My son's 30 now and has no children and my brother lives in Arizona and has no children. Somehow, coloring eggs by myself doesn't hold a lot of appeal but maybe my son and I will do it for a lark next year, especially if his friend from Arizona ends up moving in with us. We've started composting so it might be fun to see the brightly colored shells amidst the compost. Apparently, I'm easily amused.

On to literary triumphs and frustrations. Those who have known me for a while know that I do NaPoWriMo and the Writers Digest April PAD challenge every year and sometimes I combine them with Camp NaNoWriMo. So, I'm waxing poetic while still trying to finish editing and formatting my poetry anthology from last fall AND the second book in the Tales from the Dreamlands series. I'm also continuing to create new material for the Tales from the Dreamlands series AND a new Cloned Heat story each month.

Some of you may know that LBRY is shutting down its original platform and switching its base of operations over to its offshoot, Odysee. I don't know why they want to do that, but they didn't ask me. Once I learned how to upload a PDF using Odysee's system (it's simple but not obvious) I figured it wouldn't be more than a minor inconvenience to update the URLs from LBRY to Odysee as LBRY had already transferred all their files to Odysee. However, I discovered an unforeseen frustration.

When I went onto the Naughty Netherworld Press channel on Odysee, I couldn't find any of my previously uploaded Cloned Heat books. Nor could I find my recently uploaded WIP chapter which I had voluntarily flagged as mature, not because it had any graphic sex scenes in it but because it contained subject matter that was potentially disturbing even if it wasn't described in detail.

Researching the situation led me to discover that Odysee is HIDING all mature subject matter. It exists, but if you don't know the URL where it exists, fuck you. Even if you created it.

This is a real Tumblr move and certainly doesn't seem in keeping with the idea of an open-source platform that celebrates free speech. Look, I don't want to see thumbnails with straight-up naked ass in my video suggestions, but, guess what, I still see it anyway, because exploiting conventionally attractive young women is always in fashion. As long as there's a thong bikini lodged in the butt crack and as long as the thumbnail doesn't lead to porn, it's not mature, it's just clickbait. The sexist double standard is alive and well. I know this because I never see any phantom Man-Ass in the thumbnails.

The whole thing really irritates me, because I was a big proponent of the LBRY model. It allowed me a way to publish my work where I can price the material as I see fit. Since I receive the full payment rather than royalty, I can cut potential readers a good deal. It's a win-win for everyone. I'll probably continue to utilize Odysee for my non-erotica projects, but it frustrates me that I can't continue using it for the erotica projects. I flagged them with a mature tag, which is the correct thing to do, and which is why I now am unable to find them. 

I'm not sure why we now have a plethora of platforms catering to pseudo-puritanism rather than to discerning adults. This pseudo-puritanism is not preventing children from finding pornographic websites and it isn't stopping child porn. All it's doing is punishing people who weren't doing anything out of line in the first place.

Setting my rant aside, I am racing to finish writing, editing, and formatting Cloned Heat IV for upload (and, hopefully, approval) on Amazon in time for this month's MFRW Steam hop ( and MFRW Author tweet day.

I've decided that I'm only going to participate in the MFRW hops once a month. I haven't been a very good participant lately because I'm overwhelmed, and I feel bad about that. I release the new Cloned Heat serials to coincide with the Steam hop, and MFRW participants tend to prefer longer snippets, so I can share the full first chapter of the new book. 

The Weekend Writing Warriors, Snippet Sunday, and Rainbow Snippets blog hops tend to be a bit more flexible, although at this time I may only be sharing the lead-in post for the big Cloned Heat First Chapter Reveal with Rainbow Snippets. This group is for LGBT authors and stories. My characters have varied sexual preferences. I'm a boring ole pasty-faced middle-aged vanilla straight lady. 

If you want to participate in Rainbow Snippets, head over to They're a nice, small group and new participants are always welcome.

Anyway, if you'd like to receive the new Cloned Heat books as they're released, they're always free from Kindle Unlimited. You can also support Yours Truly by signing up for any tier on my Patreon. Yes, even the $1 per month tier gets you a fresh new Cloned Heat story, plus shout-outs for you and your website, blog, or one of your books. You can check it out at

That's about it for this time. My Internet is being really extra this morning, as in, extra annoying. I've had to restart my mellow background music video three times because it keeps cutting out. We're with a small local provider, Blue Lightning. When they're good they're really good. In fact, they're more reliable than Comcast overall. But a few months ago they had a critical router failure and didn't have the spare parts on hand. So, we were without internet service for an entire weekend, which is really annoying when you depend on the Internet for your livelihood.

I'm hoping to get more subscribers for my newsletter. Thank you to Lisabet and Teresa for taking the plunge!

Sign up here:

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free Use image by Open Clipart Vectors

I was sorry to see that Open Clipart Vectors seem to have left Pixabay. I really liked their silly round animals.

Ready to Roll #RainbowSnippets #SnipSun #8Sunday


M/M erotica, sci-fi

3000 words 

Content Advisory:
BDSM, group sex, cliffhanger
(For the book, not for this post.)


In Seduced by the Siren, Finn Storm got deep under Ohannes’ skin, enslaving the needful pleasure clone’s body, mind, and soul. The lusty Reject Squadron is putty in the sexy merman’s hands—all except for the canny Colonel Ionescu, who is plotting with renegade roughnecks Iker Macauley and Peregrine Varga to mastermind a rescue.

It won’t be easy to break Ohannes or the other members of the Reject Squadron free from Finn’s spell. The masterful manipulator feeds the fellows’ manly needs in ways so hot that it’s hard for even a confident and mature military man like Colonel Ionescu to resist, let alone an eager-to-please submissive like Ohannes or a couple of randy rapscallions like Sergeant Kuijpers and Corporal Viola.


“Finn be callin’ General Bissette to him now,” Colonel Ionescu stated. “Dis be our best chance to put our plan into action. Bissette be crazy alla time from lust for Finn, and him droolin’ over your boy Ohannes now too. Won’t be no trouble to put him out sleepy.”

“It ain’t Bissette that I’m worried about, Pal,” Iker protested as Ionescu handed bags containing hypodermics prefilled with a strong sedative to Iker and Peregrine. “Leg-humpers like your self-appointed general are a dime a dozen. All we’d have to do is slap his ass and offer him a hand job, and he’d be our bitch. The salty little man-eating twink is the real threat.”

Where to Buy
This book hasn't been released yet. I normally release a new Cloned Heat cliffhanger around the eleventh of every month. Come back next week for the full first chapter from the book and (hopefully) purchase links.

In the meantime, you can grab the first three books in the Cloned Heat series from Amazon. They're free with Kindle Unlimited or just 99 cents apiece to own.

You can also join me on Patreon to receive the PDF version of each new Cloned Heat book monthly, plus a couple of other little perks, for just a buck a month.
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The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

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